Friday, 28 September 2012

Primary research ( Questionnaire analysis)

The majority of my respondents were males. It's not a surprise as the majority of my school friends are males.

The majority of my respondents were people from the age range 16- 18.  It's not surprising as I'm in the sixth form and the biggest part of my schoolmates are from the age range 16-18. 20% of respondents were from the age range 13-15, and only 10% of my respondents were from the age range 19-21 and 21+.

30% of respondents answered that they're into thriller genre films. I was happy with an outcome of this pool as the film that I'm making is going to be a thriller.

80% of respondents answered that they watch thrillers once a week/ once a month. From this we can tell that my target audience are into the crime/thriller genre films.

The majority of my respondents - 80% answered that they would expect to see titles at the beginning. In my opinion, it's because most of the 'Hollywood' films are using the same technique.

60% of my respondents answered that they would like to hear a non-diagetic soundtrack in a thriller genre film.

The majority of my respondents answered that they wouldn't expect to see any Sci-Fi effects in a thriller genre film as it's not so common.

80% of my respondents answered that they would expect to see dark colours in a thriller film as it's very common for a thriller films.

Audience opinions split to half - half of my respondents answered that they would like to see fast cut editing in a thriller genre film an 50% answered that they would like to see slow cut editing.

The majority of my respondents - 70% answered that they would like to see transitions in a thriller genre film as it is common for this type of films.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Media Termins

The 180 degree rule is a basic guideline that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other.

Shot reverse shot  is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other.

A match on action is when some action occurring before the temporally questionable cut is picked up where the cut left it by the shot immediately following. For example, a shot of someone tossing a ball can be edited to show two different views, while maintaining temporal continuity by being sure that the second shot shows the arm of the subject in the same stage of its motion as it was left when cutting from the first shot.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Main idea

Genre:  Crime/Thriller.

Aims & Content : Create a 2 - minute film from opening scene, 'Suspicion' at 15-18 year olds. With an atmosphere of intrigue and suspense. Crime/thriller genre film which plays with the audience's expectations and stereotyped ideas.

Target audience: 
For our film we decided to mainly target at the teenagers of the age range 15-18 and also at the people who're into crime/thriller films.

Story: The long lost brother contacts his brother and asks him to bring the data stick and bring it to the local park, by the bench. When both brothers meet up in the park they start arguing as the long lost brother wants the data stick as it's got a valuable information but other brother don't want to loose his relative again. They can't negotiate and the brother is running away from the long lost brother, he slips and at that time brother escapes.

The long lost brother - more powerful than his brother, angry.
The brother - vulnerable, good-natured.