Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Audience's Feedback

Feedback question analysis:

1. Did you like this two minute film?

21 out of 22 people liked my two minute film. I'm very happy that I managed to make a film that majority of my respondents like.

2. Out of ten, rate how good you think the film was?

In overall respondents rated my film as 9 out of 10.

3. Do you think it follows the conventions of a thriller?

22 out of 22 respondents answered that my film follows the conventions of a thriller.

4. Did you understand the storyline/plot of this film?

100% of my respondents answered that they understood the storyline of my film.

5. What do you think about the sound and cinematography? Was it suitable for a thriller film?

Absolutely every respondent answered that they think that the sound and cinematography was suitable for a thriller film.

6. Do you think this film is suitable for my target audience (15+)?

22 out of 22 respondents said that my film is suitable for my target audience (15+).

7. Did these opening two minutes made you want to see more?

20 out of 22 respondents answered that they would want to see more after the opening two minutes

8. In your opinion, what should I improve in my film to make it better?

The majority of my audience answered that the acting could be more conventional in this opening scene.